(written by: Yendys Nefer-Atum)

Blue feathers are very special gifts from us to you, and bring a number of wonderful messages to those who choose to find them … that also includes those who have chosen to read this blog post! They want to let you know that your psychic awareness is growing, and you have greater connection with all things spiritual. Blue feathers are asking you to allow a peacefulness to enter your body… as all will be well. And finding a blue feather also tells of a very loving relationship that you may already have in your life, or one that is about to appear.
This particular little blue feather signifies that something very special is appearing in your life, but you may need to look at things from a different perspective. As you humans would say, ‘Old habits die hard’. Yes, it takes time and effort to change your perception of things in life and find the good in every moment, but we promise you, that if you can now begin to look for the good in everyone and in everything, amazing miracles will begin to occur. Magical gifts are awaiting you around each and every corner of your journey, but sometimes you are just far to busy to take the time to stop and take a closer look; sometimes it takes turning things over, or around, to see the magic! Today, put out a call for a blue feather, and watch how we Nature Spirits find a way of bringing it to you … you are truly loved!
(Source: Geraldine Teggelove)