It's Friday (Venus Day), and I'm feeling 'light as a feather!' That could just be me sensing the 3 pounds of waste I've released which my scale announced this morning hehehehe...I got so excited that I've decided to go on strictly liquids from today until the last day, Monday morning. I'm starting my day with a cup of fenugreek tea and milk thistle tea (liver detox). I've anointed my crown and first eye with with frankincense oil and mint. Also, treated my body temple to a slather of ancient earthy love-Melanin Majic Butter from my beloved sis at Higher Heights, GROUNDING YUMMINESS!
This morning my spirit guide is Mami Wata aka Santa Marta Dominadora. Her whispers caught my attention and she asked that I light a green candle for us today. I thought that was on point; since, for over 15 years, I have acknowledge and practiced the daily living of the elements of colors of the day, deities of the day and each connected principle. Today is the day of several fabulously Goddesses of the ancient traditions who I'm pretty close to; Het-Heru (my main Khametic sistren). Goddess of love, sexuality, fate, matron of cultural art, dance and the protector of pregnant women. She is also comparable to the Yoruba Goddess Oshun.
The Goddesses of Creation, Love, Beauty and Sexuality....
Names: Osun, Het-Heru, Hathor, Sarasvati, Hani-El
Planet: Venus
Day: Friday
Colors: Turquoise, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Green
Tools/energy embodied in: Mirrors, water, rivers
Offerings: Honey, cinnamon, oranges, jewelry, copper, peacock feathers
Goddess Energy: Creation, Conception, Love, Sexuality, dance
Herbs: Honeysuckle, sandalwood, spearmint, calendula flowers, parsley
Spiritual Qualities: Joy, Sweet, Flexibility, Harmony, Imaginative, Passion
Osun And Het-Heru Represent The Law of Attraction!
And what is the Law of Attraction?
***The law of attraction is a Universal law, a Universal Truth that is always in operation whether we are consciously aware of it or not. This law states that what you focus on frequently and with passion is what you will make manifest in your life. When we begin to use this energy of Divine intentionally, we are able transform our lives so that it more accurately reflects the highest vision that we have for ourselves.***
This aspect of daily honoring of The Goddess (Divine Feminine Principles) is the seat of my creativity and sexuality and its also the energy that I use to experience love and beauty in my daily life experience.
What does The Goddess teach me?
She teaches me that it is important to remember that what I think about, what I focus on with passion and feeling is what I get in life. Osun and Het-Heru are my creative faculty. They reaffirm for me that I create from the inside out by using my imagination to SEE what it is that I desire and to FEEL the feelings of having it right now.

Honor her with an overflowing, decadent altar, shells, stones, rattles. Honor Mami Wata through dance and drums. On your altar, place an image of Mami Wata as a divine mermaid along with contemporary depictions portraying her as seductive, representing wealth, sexuality, magic and sorcery. Her roots are close to the surface, holding the divine feminine snakes of rebirth and healing, her watery shimmering fish tail and surrounding rainbows reminding us of shamanism and the potent connection to our dreams and the unseen.
Similar to Yemaya, the water goddess of the Orishas, and yet very different in origin and practice, Mami Wata is plural and refers to a collective of water spirits. Her worship is matriarchal and connects deeply with the powerful spirits of the ocean as well as those in rivers, streams and lakes. Mami Wata in contemporary forms is portrayed as half fish, half woman, sometimes depicted black, sometimes white, or even green. Her hair ranges from bright blonde to deep dark black, sometimes male and most often female. She is water, mother, of light and shadow, associated with the mysteries of the depths of the ocean. (source: www.fireofthegoddess.com)

I guarantee you will not leave home without this lil gem!
Weave a little witch-inspired magic into your life with a bestselling calendar that has been enchanting Wiccans and Pagans for over fifteen years. Honor your personal connection to the Earth and the gods and goddesses with magical spells, correspondences, planting and harvesting dates, invocations, and an abundance of folkloric wisdom. Original art by Kathleen Edwards and enchanting essays, spells, and rituals by your favorite authors capture the essence of each month of the year. Additionally, the calendar features a lunar gardening table, a wealth of resources for syncing life choices with moon signs, and correspondence tables for working magic with favorable outcomes.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The idea of right or appropriate honoring of deity/deities is not about someone telling you what's "right or wrong." It is simply the concept that you should take the time to do things; do something - including prayers, meditation, dance and offerings - in a way that is conducive to the demands and needs of the god or goddess in question.
When you honor the
Divine/Ancestors/Goddess, take the time to put some thought into it. Ask yourself what it is you hope to obtain by making the offering -- are you trying to gain something, or merely show your appreciation and gratitude to the Divine? Learn about the types of deities you're about to honor, and study the specific gods and goddesses of your tradition, so that when you do make an offering or present a ritual in their name, you can do so in a way that truly does them honor.

As I mentioned above, as of today I'll be doing all liquide throughout this weekend til Monday! We went shopping yesterday for more fruits and veggies to get me through this weekend. I didn't plan this earlier at the onset of this autumn fast. Last night I got an inkling that I needed to go deeper...I'll be replacing solid food with liquid food for a bit and you are welcome to switch it into high gear and join me...or keep doing what feels good for your lifestyle. You do not want to shock your body or throw it into panic or super craving mode. Assess your overall health and see if you are able to handle this sort of thing.
I've already initiated with herbal teas and water. I'll continue on by replacing each meal with a juice based meal and work up from there...feel free to add things to your juice like flax seed, coconut oil, green veggie powders, Moringa, etc to boost your energies. Finally, remember this. A liquid fast helps to improve your entire quality of life. The nutrients you will receive from the foods are delivered quicker into your system and will be used right away. Your body might experience a major detox as the acid from the fruit attacks bad cells (free radicals), which will make you more likely to fight off chronic dis-eases

Well…When we eat devitalized foods such as sweets, white flours, bread, meat, cooked fruits, processed drinks, and pastas and take in things like coffee, drugs and alcohol our body is stimulated by these products and produces mucous to protect our intestinal tract from the resulting toxins. The more often you ingest these substances, the harder it is on your body and the more layers of mucous are produced. This is one reason why some meals should be all fruits or all vegetables. Mixing fruits and vegetables in the same meal are hard to digest and can give you acid reflux.
One problem with multiple layers of mucous is that the pancreatic fluids which normally keep the mucoid layers stripped and digested off the gut can’t keep up. Over time (years usually) these mucous layers build up andharden making the intestines less effective at absorbing what you eat. One sign of this happening is vertical ridges on your little fingernails.
Gradually, the body weakens and our digestive processes become slower. When this happens, food starts to rot in our gut a little bit after each meal creating even more toxins and an imbalanced gut flora (and an overgrowth of yeast). Even the muscular walls of the gut weaken and lose tone creating a pot belly, prolapses, diverticuli, polyps, colitis and smelly gas problems. Eventually these disturbances may lead to cancer.
Small bowel pockets and diverticuli are more common than most health professionals realize, and should be taken into account when any low grade infection or decrease in vitality over time are present. Low back pain, menstrual irregularity, ovarian cysts, constipation, bladder problems, heart palpitations, hemorrhoids, tipped uterus, and prostate problems are often a result of a prolapsed (fallen) transverse colon. Fasting and enemas can help these greatly.
Food was meant to pass through the body within 8-18 hours. The longer it is held, the more putrefactive, toxic and gaseous it becomes. When bowel tone and condition are good, we should have a bowel movement after every meal.
Laxatives never solve the problems of poor eating habits, lack of exercise and bowel neglect. Repeated artificial stimulation of the bowels destroys their natural emptying reflex, so that they will no longer move without artificial stimulants. The laxative habit begins innocently enough with the correct belief that bowels should move every day, however, laxatives will cause the evacuation of several days’ worth of stool in a single movement. Impatient for reestablishing stool regularity, the patient takes another laxative, and the cycle begins.
Toxins are released through the skin, kidneys and liver, but the main route for toxins release is the bowels. This process needs to be assisted from time-to-time or the toxins will be reabsorbed back through the intestinal wall. Also, when doing a water or juice fast, the normal bowel movements do not take place because the gut is resting.
Enemas and Fasting: Starting a fast with an enema seems to help with hunger pangs and solidifies the beginning of my fast, helping to shut down the digestive system so it can detoxify, repair and rejuvenate.
How to take an enema: (sourced from Google)
Note: Be sure to make sure the valve on the enema apparatus is shut tightly before filling the bag and after you release all the air from the tube. I know this may seem obvious, but boy, does it make a mess if you don’t.
Hang the filled enema bag on the shower, bathroom door handle or on the towel rack about three feet above your pelvis. Place the tip over the toilet, sink or bathtub and allow the liquid to flow until the air bubbles all come out. Hanging it higher increases the pressure of the fluid coming out. You can control the flow with the enema bag shut-off valve, so make sure it is easy to grasp. Put some lubricant on the enema tip and on the anus if necessary.
Now, get into position. There are several ways you can do this. Now, you can only go as fast as the slowest part of you feels safe to go, so experiment with what you feel comfortable with. Here are some good options:
- Bend over at the waist as you sit on the toiler to make your belly parallel to the floor if possible so the fluid will flow in without as much impedance.
- Stand up over the toilet and bend at the waist and let the fluid flow in. This is my favorite position because my abdominal muscles don’t contract as much and the flow going in is easier with greater volume.
- Lay on the floor on your right side or back and let the fluid flow in.
- Kneel on the floor with your bottom up and your head down with your head resting on a towel.
Start your massage on the lower left side of the abdomen, then massage up toward your ribcage, across the top of your abdomen then the lower right abdomen. The ileocecal valve is here at the lower right. Spend a little extra time there because this is where the small intestine and large intestine meet and lots of people have spasms of their ileocecal valve and gas in this place.
Now go to the bathroom and release your enema. If you are having trouble fully releasing your bowels, take a few deep breaths and keep massaging, then sitting on the toilet, pull your belly upwards to straighten out the sigmoid colon. This changes the pressure in the abdomen area and makes it easier for the fluid to pass through.
Also, it is very important that you knees be pulled up towards your chest for a release from deeper into your colon...