I decorated my altar for the Sabbat (Holy Day) Mabon, paying tribute to the return of the Autumn equinox. During this time of year, the sun's strength starts to diminish, until the winter solstice in December, when the sun becomes stronger again and the days start to become longer than the nights. The symbols which I placed on my altar include veggies and fruit to represent the harvest for which we should all give thanks and praises to the Goddess, Mother Nature for the abundance and to share the joy that we have received during the past year. It's like the 'first' thanksgiving before the one we acknowledge during November...that is the second thanksgiving. I also have a statue on my altar which represent The God and The Goddess, polarity and also continuous life. On my altar I have the elements air, fire, water, earth and ether in the form of plants in soil for earth, water and sea shells for water, orange and yellow candles, citrine and amber crystals for fire (to bring the sun's energy back to you). Feathers and incense for air and clear quartz and amethyst crystals for ether (spirit)
Mabon is a good time to pray for and meditate on balance and harmony. It's also a time of change. Protection, wealth and prosperity mantras are appropriate as well. I went to the farmer's market the next morning really early to gather the other harvest items I needed to complete my altar. I picked up fresh apples, apple cider and cinnamon cider donuts...during this season, any foods made with cinnamon and cloves (ruled by Jupiter) represent ingesting the sun. I also got some gourds, mini pumpkins, and two yellow/orange beeswax candles. Of course, broccoli, kale, onions, potatoes, etc were in my basket. I left the market with only the funds on my metro card! So, I'd be at the mercy of public transportation to get home, two buses. The trip was going to be long and I was a bit pressed for time...clients to see on Saturday morning and all that! Making a pretty long story shorter- when I got off the bus to transfer to yet another bus, I found a twenty dollar bill laying at my feet!!! I didn't bother looking around, I understood that it was all in divine order lol. So, I hailed a cab, hopped in with my early morning harvest. Told the driver where I needed to go and handed him the money. He only charged me fifteen dollars for the ride. I told him to keep the change...To me, that was my blessings for my good intentions and getting up early to take care of my ancestral duties. I continue to do my spiritual work, acknowledging the wonders, grace and mercies that I am granted every day....Ashe'