It basically focused on the topic of wearing a bra constantly as a concern which may be causing the ligaments in our breasts to atrophy and stop working and also prevent their natural movement which stimulates blood flow and lymph flow.
So, in honor of October Being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I wanted to blog again about Daily Breast Awareness and my personal thoughts on wearing bras daily, nipple suppression theory and my own concerns about wearing anti-perspirant deodorants. Hopefully this post will cause some of you to do other things in support of a healthy, positive lifestyle change...I don't ever remember reading or hearing about so many women having or losing this breast cancer battle as I do these days. Especially these women who are family members, my friends and clients as well as their family members. It pains me to say that I've experienced the loss of several of my clients to this dis-ease in the past few years. And I know a few too many presently fighting daily for their well-being. These days, with so many Walks, Runs and Benefits towards the research, understanding, A Cure and ultimately annihilation of this nightmare-ish condition, I feel that a closer look should be taken into our own basic everyday habits and lifestyle practices. What can you as an individual do in the search for A CURE?
No one wants to be offensive, especially when it come to our bodies... oh dear!!! Rubbing on three to five swipes of some thick, white, pasty, perfumed, chemically laden product or the same amount of clear slightly scented baby powder glazed chemical bar in hopes to not sweat through our clothing all day, may be a cause for concern and could possibly be lending to some of our own health challenges. Have you noticed while taking a bathe or showering, that you have to literally scrape your deodorant residue out from your underarms? Our sweat glands under our arms can become plugged and clogged up, redirecting harmful toxins back into our bodies and into our breasts (male and female breasts) areas. This sets up the playing field for disaster!
One thing that has be brought to my attention lately, is that some people believe that by drinking seltzer water, they are actually doing a good thing. Since they believe that this beverage is not a soda! I HAVE TO CLARIFY: Even pure carbonated water is acidic due to the formation of carbonic acid. Since blood is alkaline and maintained at a pH level of around 7.35, adding acidic liquids into the body always creates an imbalance, however small, that must be compensated for. The body usually counteracts acidity by liberating minerals from bones into the blood or tissues. Acids of any sort also increase oxidation in the body, which produces potentially damaging free radicals. Although carbonic acid is normally carried in the blood as a result of respiration, adding more from carbonated water can be viewed as a severe stressor to the body, especially in large quantities. PLEASE STOP DRINKING SELTZER WATER FOLKS!
Read more:
Also, the sugar and caffeine drinks, along with the starch, beer, alcohol, cheese, ice-cream, milk, butter and red meat that are inside of our bodies, all resurface in unpleasant odors . After All, we truly are what we eat. There are many natural alternatives to neutralize the acidity in our perspiration.
One other thing, growing up I sometimes wondered about the reasoning behind wearing bras...images of bra-breasted women in magazines and wherever else I saw them seemed to be teaching me that this piece of underwear clothing was very necessary to cover and hold my tee-tahs up. Coming into my own womanhood, I was indirectly taught... indirectly, a bra came with my school clothes all of a sudden one year. I got the sense that I should wear this bra so that my growing, pubescent breasties wouldn't be too, too noticeable. I grew up hiding them as much as possible while they made their way into my teenage world. I learned later on, that it wasn't really the swollen part of my chest, but the pointy nipple parts that would not be too proper to be seen in public. So, wearing bras would mean that I was properly dressed and I wouldn't make other people uncomfortable...yeah. This was more the air in my carribean-based home than it was an actual conversation that was actually being spoken. As an adult, I studied findings on ancient womens ways and I've learned that our nipples are somewhat like 'cats whiskers, very attuned and very sensitive. I was also made aware that we lose a lot of our feminine powers by wearing bras daily. Some women have even been known to develop unresponsive nipples. There's magick and intuitive sharpness that we are gifted with as women. When we practice the suppression of any member of our divinity, we limited ourselves on many healthy levels. I carried this knowledge, nicely seasoned and marinating throughout my mid to late forties. I'm truly grounded within myself, confident doing things different. The self healing of my mind, body and spirit from the thoughts that any member of my body could be thought of as offensive was a past experience to learn and grow from. I read as many articles, blind studies and reports that I could find on the subject, (loads of info on the internet) and decided that enough was enough! Our Breasts, Our nipples and our Health is worthy of protection, growth and healing
Gravity is the major cause of sagging and so don't expect any miracle cure.
Secondly, a major cause seems to be the habit of wearing bras all day everyday. Bras lend support to breasts and thereby remove the need for the natural supporting system to function properly.(Coopers ligaments) It atrophies and stops working! So not wearing a bra so much may actually make them sag less. See for an in depth Doctor's opinion.
A recent survey on breast sag rates shows that breastfeeding has no great effect on sag rates but that smoking does as it affects the elastin in the skin. Bra wearing has only been popular in relatively recent times and only in western affluent countries, the same places where breast cancer rates are highest. It seems that bras may be a major cause of poor breast health and not wearing one may be a better choice. Some wear one to make their breasts perkier and more attractive (to who?) while others wear one to reduce their noticeability (nipple protrusion)...socially incorrect, to who?
I recommend 'no bra' to retain their natural shape and maybe wear a camisole or built-in-bra tees for an extra layer of fabric.
At the end of the day, it's all about staying healthy and doing what makes me feel good :-).
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