Blessed rising everyone! My heart is full of appreciation! I'm so very excited this morning, we've successfully arrived at day7 of our detox journey! I'm feeling clear, inspired and motivated. I have noticed many gifts being offered to me during this past week from different sources. I smile and graciously accept, because I recognize that due to my shedding of what is no longer needed in and around me, I'm much more open and available to receive.
Here's another short post today due to time constraints...(I promise to come back and catch up on these last two) I have to prepare the temple for our Healers Heal meditation Sundays session this morning from 9am till 11:30am. All are welcome! I hope you can make it. These meditations sessions will be offered every 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday of the month. A love offering is your investment (smiling).
This 7 day autumnal detox officially comes to a sweet close around this time tomorrow morning 7am...Just in time for the arrival of the Fall/Autumn Equinox. Let us celebrate and continue to give thanks and praises! You all have been a great support, such wonderful motivation. Thank you abundantly for your words of encouragement, your love for this blog and just for being you! I am content to continue on after this fast with most of the habits we've practiced together this past week. Basically, ingesting nothing with sugar, starch and soya until the end of October (realistically...my apple pies lol). What will I eat? I'll continue to search the internet for simple veggie recipes and salads. This morning, I'll have my fenugreek tea, lots of it and plenty fruit. We have pomegranates (my faves) plums, apples and clementines. My spirit guide is the owl. These wise owls sit on a shelf behind me on my bookshelf. I have a collection of them, ranging from a tiny baby one to a big orange and black one.
Owl medicine as it's called is an old soul, a keeper of ancient wisdom, a gatekeeper to the Akashic realm
http://www.enlightenedbeings.com/akashic-records.html. She peers through to see the secrets and the agendas of others. She is a prophet who can hear, see, feel and smell event even before they happen. She tells me to be mindful and continue to listen to the whisperings on the wind.
I've anointed my body temple with peppermint oil today. The color of the day is orange and white, the deity/Goddess is Sekhmet. Goddess of divine retribution, vengeance, conquest and war. Sekhmet means "The Mighty One," and she was one of the most powerful of the gods and goddesses. She is also a healer, wielding the type of love like that of a mother who has to punish her child in order to teach and correct that child to protect him/her from harm in the future. She was the goddess who meted out divine punishment to the enemies of the gods and of the pharaoh. In this capacity she was called the "Eye of Ra." She also accompanied the pharaoh into battle, launching fiery arrows into battle ahead of him. Sekhmet could also send plagues and disease against her enemies, but was sometimes invoked to avoid plague and cure disease.
Sekhmet's capacity for destruction is well-documented. In one story, Ra sends her to punish those mortals who have forgotten him and she ends up nearly destroying the entire human race. Only the cleverness of Ra stops her rampage before it consumes every living thing.
Read more: http://www.touregypt.net/godsofegypt/sekhmet.htm#ixzz3DwtvzCwS
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment....Jim Rohn
Welcome blessed autumnal equinox!!!!! Rest, Relax and count your blessings...The way is open!!! ASHE'