I reached for my cell phone, don’t know what happened to 6am! I didn’t hear the alarm go off this morning… still not fully getting that 6:58am meant that it was just about 7am! I was in a daze. I thought it was 5:58am,,, remembering several weeks ago when it was usually pitch dark outside. That's the time my cell phone alarm should have alerted me!!!
That had become the norm for the past few months since my ten year old great nephew Joush (pronounced JOSH) came to live with us from an abusive home environment and years of neglect. He came to us on September 23rd, 2014 on his 10th birthday! After being seriously hurt by his mother. He’s was immediately place into the foster care system. My husband and I came to his rescue. I think it’s safe to say here that this was almost the toughest challenge my husband and I have had to date. Joush was scared, confused, had lots of anxiety, scared of the dark, has severe academic challenges and showed signs of some developmental challenges for his age. He needed constant supervision and reminders with what could be seen as very simple, everyday stuff.
This sudden addition to our family was actually with two boys; my two great nephews Joush and his little brother Anthoney. It was decided by the court that his brother be returned home to their mother (my 27 yr old niece) back in early January 2015. Although, Joush feels its best that he remains here with us. It's been six months since this new journey began...So moving forward, it looks like that’s the plan. We’re awaiting the Universal guidance as well as the legal aspects of this journey to be settled.
I digressed…………
So, I gathered my senses once I fully realize that I was waaay off schedule! I grabbed my clothes and fixed myself as I headed for the door; all the while thinking that I needed a major miracle this morning to get him up, dressed and ready to catch that school bus by around 7:20am!...I opened my bedroom door. I heard quiet footsteps leaving the upstairs kitchen outside my bedroom, to my surprise… on the steps there was Joush...fully dressed for school!!! Blue fleece, hoody zipped and ready to go! He'd already had his breakfast and had a juice box and sandwich packed in a Ziploc bag in his hand! For some seconds, I thought I was still sleepy or in some kind of a trance!
I quickly asked him a battery of very important questions. I ran down the itemized check list of what had become our every single morning ritual. Did you brush your teeth and washed your face? Did you oil and brush your hair? Did you really just eat breakfast? Did you moisturize your face and hands? Is that your lunch? Did you take your vitamins? Are you wearing your long johns and your tee shirt under your school uniform? He just kept nodding his head YES, YES to EVERYTHING! Now I was really in deep shock! I immediately started to cry! I just sat down on the stairs. My face and head felt instantly hot and the tears of joy just started to flow down my cheeks and onto the steps... just long steamy, streaming tears! My heart was pounding, I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. This child, my nephew had done our morning ritual all by himself for the very first time, while I slept the extra hour that I needed SO much!!!
He stood there, looking calm and I could see the light of his own sense of pride and accomplishment in his bright eyes. I motioned my hand to call him to me, come here...I hugged him tight and told him how much happiness and joy he'd just gave his auntie. I apologized for waking up late and he told me it was okay! He said that he had done everything and was just waiting for his bus. He hug me back tightly, cause I couldn't stop crying as he spoke, he rubbed my back; he told me everything was going to be alright auntie (excuse me, now I'm bawling again).
I recall........
Folks, just the previous morning, him and I had a 'thing' lol. He became annoyed with me for as he stated, 'telling him the same things every day!' I responded with, 'well I wish you could just learn what to do without me having to tell you each morning!' Well, I guess he showed me!
So, I started to cry again, through the stream of my tears, I started texting about nine of my clients and friends. These are individuals who over the last six months since the two boys arrived, had become my strength and my therapists, whether they themselves even realized it. They listened and responded to our needs in such loving and generous ways.
Since I acknowledged my work as my medicine, I would steep myself deeply into my work even more each day when my clients came in. I connected on an even deeper level of my artistry, my ministry, because I understood that the more I gave, the more I would receive. And these awesome people gave! They were my VILLAGE that help me to maintain my seat of AST, AUSET/ISIS (Divine Mother). They have each allowed me their time and space to share what me and my family were going through during their hair/health appointment sessions.
Each one in their own way, reassuring me that this new undertaking was a blessing from God for all involved. They constantly reaffirmed that what my husband and I was doing by taking both my nephews in and continuing on to raise Joush was truly a blessing to this child! They told me that he would surely progress with our love, guidance and support. One told me that God had entrusted us with this man-child to love and nurture and that; that was BIG!!! They also told me that I was an awesome person and a spirit, a great example and that all of my sacrifices would surely pay off! They told me he’d make US PROUD!
I wanted to share this milestone with all of them, and also all of you! Yes! Thank you to everyone for keeping us in your prayers. He’s going to make it. It’s all coming to light. All he really needed was some structure. His new tutor said, it takes a season of 90 days for us to change…Joush is right on time! Giving thanks and praises! We are indeed so very proud of him. What a blessing! Today Joush gets and E for EXCELENCE! This morning was Joush’s way of saying, “THANK YOU AUNTIE AND UNCLE STEHEN!”
Here are my first words to my support team this morning:
Through some heavy flowing tears I’m writing this testimony. I got up really late this morning, so tired! Joush was dressed and ready to go! He even had breakfast and packed his lunch..! Coat on and everything, He was ready and waiting for the bus! Tears, tears, tears, tears! I can’t stop crying! I’m so happy and so very proud of him! I’m probably gonna cry ALL day! Had to share this with you cause you understand what this means to me!!! I’m thanking the Universe for blessing me with this amazingly challenging task, cause this morning I believe I’ve truly witnessed a miracle!!! Thank you for supporting us with your time, patience and your LOVE! I’m recalling all of the mornings I got up in the dark, making my way down the stairs to his room to wake him up. I recall the tasks of repeatedly telling him what to do! Put this on, go brush your teeth, hair, do this, do that! The annoying repetition. Him daydreaming, doing thing backwards! Him getting frustrated with me. Me just wondering if I’d ever make a difference! If I was doing all of this in vain!